Home News CHARITY NGILU EXPOSED BY Human Resource Audit and Staff Rationalization Committee.

CHARITY NGILU EXPOSED BY Human Resource Audit and Staff Rationalization Committee.


By Hopkin Reporter.

On Tuesday 28th Feb 2023 – Kitui Governor Dr. Julius Malombe, EGH received the most AWAITED report from the Human Resource Audit and Staff Rationalization committee chaired by Dr. Florence.N.N. Muinde (OGW).

Dr Muinde in her presentation exposes that the county has been paying 935 Ghost Workers and Out of the 935 ghost workers, 326 are PERMANENT AND PENSIONABLE, 23 are contractuals, 56 ECDE teachers and 530 casuals.

“Before the audit, the number provided to us for Kitui County employees was 8,114 employees, out of these, 4019 officers paid by the IPPD (Integrated Payroll and data management system) forming 49.5 %, 69 paid manually comprising 0.9%, and 1625 casuals (20% of the Total number of employees),” Dr Muinde exposed.

The committee RECOMMENDS the stopping of salaries for the 935 ghost workers with immediate effect.

In the Auditor General reports for the financial year ending June 2021 and June 2022 indicated that the county government of Kitui spent 43 percent and 55.8 percent respectively of it’s total receipts for the two years of compensation of employees.

The wage bill for December 2022 was approximately Ksh 3.9 B without casual payments.The total county budget for the FY2021/2022 was Ksh 12.46 Billion in both IPPD and manual payroll system resulted to double payment of 5 employees.

Present during report presentation by Dr Florence ndisa Muinde was Kitui Governor Dr Julius Malombe, Deputy Governor Augustine Kanani, Kitui assembly speaker Kinengo Katisya, a section of MCAs, CECMs, Chief Officers, Clergymen, Kitui youth Link and the press.


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