By Emmanuel Maleve
Kitui nurse Christine Mawia Sammy features in a popular women centered TV segment MWANAMKE BOMBA, on Tuesday 30tb January during Citizen TV prime time news (CitizenNipashe) at 7pm hosted by Mwanahamisi hamadi.
Christine Mawia Sammy, a pediatric neonatal nurse in Kitui county referral hospital and county reproductive maternal, neonatal, child and adolescent health coordinator was the only Kenyan amongst Top ten finalists for the Aster Guardians Global Nursing Awards that took place in the illustrious city of London on 12th May 2023.
Due to her passion nurse Christine With 28 years of experience in maternal and newborn care as well as infection control, she established the first ever newborn unit in Kitui county in 2010 by transforming a single nursery room into an independent newborn unit at the hospital.
By so doing, the neonatal mortality rate dropped drastically from above 50% to below 10% within a span of one year. During her role as a newborn health support supervisor in several health facilities, she noticed that most of the neonatal deaths were mostly due to birth asphyxia.
Speaking to Hopkin Digital, award-winning journalist and Mwanamke Bomba host Mwanahamisi Hamadi emphasized on the importance of celebrating women and their accomplishment.
“We put aside this day (Tuesday) to recognize and celebrate all the women who are doing their very best in whatever they do”, she said.
Mwanahamisi noted that for a long time women have been doing tremendous jobs but they rarely get the recognition they deserved, further highlighting the importance of recognizing and celebrating fellow women.
According to Mwanahamisi, Mwanamke Bomba is full of humanness that makes the viewers relate to the stories highlighted and in turn able to inspire them.