Home Local News Exposè: Shocking Kitui Bloggers Monthly Pay Despite High Bonanza Communication Budget

Exposè: Shocking Kitui Bloggers Monthly Pay Despite High Bonanza Communication Budget


Despite being fed with sweet promises of “give Malombe time to deliver’ by government Bloggers and choir boys, Hopkin Media has gone underground to expose who much the bloggers take home after brainwashing professionals and public, thereafter rewarded for successfully silencing any dissenting voice into believing Malombe is delivering development instead of the actual looting.

In a shocking discovery, the government pays 11 bloggers less than Ksh 5000 per month each, totaling to 30,000.

However, many a times the government spokesman and cunning linguist deceive the bloggers that the government has insufficient budget hence sending half of their respective amounts, swallowing the balances like emergency pills.

The communication team of smooth-tongued young men and women have been allocated a staggering budget that can manage the 11 bloggers with good amount per month compared to the work they do.

Information from our credible moles unveiled that the share information was send to the first family who had demanded the breakdown on how the bloggers are paid after a heated debate online that the said blogger’s monies are squandered by two individuals highly connected to the first family and in God’s will landed on safe hands of Kitui Assembly Chat a viral forum in Kitui County with who is who in the government.

The author of the information is now lamenting and confused like the roaring of waves.



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