Home National News Exposed: How Kitui Drugs stolen From County Hospitals to Private Clinics

Exposed: How Kitui Drugs stolen From County Hospitals to Private Clinics


By Hopkin Reporter

Kitui people are getting poor services because of corruption and many pharmaceutical quacks on the ground who steal and dispense the drugs.

The drugs are said to be stolen from the hospitals and sold at private pharmaceuticals fleecing county medicine stores.

After investigation done by the senior Hopkin Reporter, the syndicate involves rogue health officials, nurses and private chemists, some of whom use public ambulances to cart away stolen drugs. Some nurses and ambulances leave medical facilities laden with drugs which later are sold to Private practitioners.

It’s very disheartening for people to steal from the poor after the county government struggled to clear a long standing debt.

The lack of drugs at the county facilities has eroded public trust in the healthcare system noting that patients who rely on public health facilities for their medication lose confidence in the healthcare system once they lack drugs at these facilities.



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