By Hopkin Reporter
The Green Thinking Action Party GTAP party leader and founder environmentalist Dr Issac Kalua Green said Kenya’s middle class is the center that holds the country together and if it falls apart the country too inevitably falls apart.
Kalua was speaking exclusively with Hopkin Reporter on Sunday 28th May 2023, during Church reconstruction fundraiser of St Steven’s Church in Tiva – Kitui central constituency.According to the world bank statement made last year December revealed that a third of Kenya’s middle class is just an economic shock away from sliding into poverty. Thanks to the depressed economy, their disposable income is at a record low, which dents the economy further.
“To avoid such pitfalls in a well-intended process, there is need for effective, substantive and comprehensive public participation. In all these, we must not lose sight of the overall wellbeing of Kenyans. The famous words of Winston Churchill come to mind that “for a nation to try to tax itself into prosperity is like a man standing in a bucket and trying to lift himself up by the handle.”Think green, act green”, said Dr Kalua.
present was Kiema Kilonzo, Ambassador James Ngumbau, the clergy, hundreds of Church Members where over hundred of tree seedlings where planted during the fundraiser.