Home News Good News: 500 Households to Benefit From SONKO’S water project in Kathungu

Good News: 500 Households to Benefit From SONKO’S water project in Kathungu


By Hopkin Reporter

The indefatigable IkangaKyatune Ward MCA Hon. Cyrus Musyoka SONKO has today announced the completion of the rehabilitation project of stalled amby borehole in Kasambuiya, Kathungu sub-location.

Speaking exclusively with Hopkin Reporter on 3rd August, Sonko said that 500 households are set to benefit from the borehole.

I also have other ongoing water projects in my area like Ndangani Sand dam in Kyatune location, Kwa Ngiti sand dam in Makele -Kiangwa, and Kandumbo sand dam in Emale which will benefit residents of Ngwani and Yongela. All these three sand dams projects will be through in less than a month,” said the super MCA.

He has also rehabilitated Junction Kwa Mulyunga sand dam in Kyatune location.

The industrious MCA, who was elected with the most votes in the whole Ukambani region, has further pointed out that he will continue delivering his promises to the Ikanga-Kyatune residents.

Hon Sonko has been in the forefront in ensuring that he counters the water challenges in his ward. The super MCA has so far delivered other major water projects in various parts.

He has recently set a water project in Yongela in collaboration with Welt Hunger Hilfe (WHH) organization, a project which has established nine water kiosks in all shopping centers in Yongela sub-location, a permanent water solution in the area.

According to Sonko, in two weeks time he will also fulfill his promise of Solarizing two boreholes; Ithumula SDA borehole and Miumbuni borehole in Vote, Kyatune location in addition to pipeline extension from Sua Si to kwa Rodgers a project that is set to benefit residents of Makele-Kiangwa.

The three projects are ongoing.The hardworking MCA is also collaborating with the Catholic Medical Mission Board organization (CMMB) to establish a mega water project which will benefit various sub-locations in his area.

The project is set to supply piped water from Syomisyi, Ithumula sub-location, to other parts. The project which will be done in two phases, will see water challenges countered permanently in Syomisyi, Nguuni, Semea, Mesilya, Enzou, Yathi, Ngwani, Ngunini and other parts.



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