Home News Governor Malombe Facelifts Kitui Town, Installation of Cabros And Walkways

Governor Malombe Facelifts Kitui Town, Installation of Cabros And Walkways


By Hopkin Reporter

The Kitui government has embarked on an ambitious project to give Kitui town a facelift by upgrading town infrastructure, which will involve pedestrian walkways and security lights installed to facilitate a 24-hour economy.

“Improving streets and infrastructure will motivate the business community and in turn boost the economy, because the hackers will have time to interact with customers” Hopkin Reports .

The county government plans to upgrade infrastructure in the two municipality which includes Kitui and Mwingi Municipalities.

In this budget estimates FY2023/24 Kitui municipality have several projects they intend to do. The municipality covers six wards that is Township, Chuluni, Nzambani, Matinyani, Kyangwithya East and Kyangwithya west whereby major projects are done in township and small ones outside the town.

The main projects for this financial year are under the manifesto of Kitui Governor Dr Julius Malombe.

Speaking to Hopkin Media, Kitui Municipality Manager Job Muisyo Unveiled that every project within the municipality is squarely aligned to the manifesto of Dr Malombe to create a conducive environment for the business fraternity.



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