By Hopkin Reporter
The County Government of Kitui has launched its ambitious County Integrated Development Plan (CIDP) 2023 –2027 which entitles the shared and collective developmental aspirations of residents.
The plan also encompasses an elaborate Governor H.E. Julius Malombe’s 16-point agenda as spelt out in his election manifesto dubbed ”The Kitui Promise”.

Speaking during the launch at the county’s administration block compound today, Governor Malombe reiterated that after assumption of office he pledged to diligently work towards his vision of transforming the county into a prosperous county with vibrant rural and urban economies whose people enjoy a high quality of life.
He said the 16-point agenda is summarized by six pillars in Kitui’s CIDP which include: food security, water access, healthcare, aggregation and industrial parks.

Others include appropriately nurtured and skilled human capital and planned urban development.
“We have collectively assessed our needs through elaborate multi-stakeholder consultative forums to arrive at consensus on priority areas on which we shall focus public investment on in the next five years,” the county boss said.

On healthcare, Malombe said Kitui Referral hospital and Mwingi Sub County hospital hospital will be upgraded to teaching and referral hospitals. He said the county has the highest number of health facilities in Kenya at 308.
The Governor said the CIDP in summary is a compendium of aspirations reflective of the diversity of interests characterising the great semi-arid county. “The CIDP stipulates how the scarce resources will be allocated to priority projects and programmes, as determined by county stakeholders, and linked to the Kenya Vision 2030, National Medium-Term Plan (MTP) IV, the African Union (AU) Agenda 2063, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the Governor’s 2022-Election Manifesto and other planning documents,” he said.

The Governor said to the aspired development goal, his administration will rely on various building blocks which include qualified and competent staff who are sufficiently empowered through strategic and continuous capacity building as well as engagement and retention of visionary leadership and governance. ”We shall endeavor to strive for excellence through proper planning and timely implementation of projects and programmes,” the governor said.
County Commissioner Erastus Mbui, Members of the County Assembly, the clergy, Youth groups and other members of the public attended the launch.