Home Local News Hope For Residents as Mp Makali Mulu Inspects Mega Umaa Dam Project

Hope For Residents as Mp Makali Mulu Inspects Mega Umaa Dam Project


On Tuesday, February 20th, 2024, Kitui Central MP Hon. Dr. Makali Mulu conducted a visit to oversee the progress of the Umaa Dam Project in Kyangwithya East, Kitui Central.

Emphasizing accountability and value for money, he assured the community that their voices would be heard.

The Kenya Kwanza government allocated Sh250 million to kick start the stalled project, now under the management of China Jiangxi International Corporation, with a revised completion cost of Sh1.9 billion in two years.

Accompanied by Directors, Engineers, and officials including National Water and Harvesting Authority Board Chairman Simon Kimaru and Kitui Central DCC Madam Dorcas Rono, Hon. Dr. Makali Mulu later toured the promising yet neglected Kalundu Water Dam.

He urged the National Water board, through their chair, to expedite the dam’s completion to operational status, fulfilling its purpose of serving the local residents.

The dam is expected to produce 37.5 cubic meters of water per day once completed, providing  permanent water solution to more than 75,000 residents.

The Umaa Dam construction was started in 2009 but a row over the rising cost of the project, saw it stop in 2010.

Sixty eight per cent of the works had been done at the time.



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