Kitui Governor Dr Julius Malombe to roll out a comprehensive mechanism of monitoring and assessing his government’s projects at the grassroots.
Speaking during a thanksgiving ceremony at Nicholas Mulila’s home in Kitui West on Saturday, Governor Malombe said the ward development committees will be key in fast-tracking growth at the lowest levels in the county. “We will establish the ward development committees across the county to support devolution. The committee members will be selected by the community to guarantee the right persons are selected”. County Boss said

The grassroots units will be key in streamlining governance by spearheading and informing on matters which touch on issues affecting different wards. Apart from monitoring county projects, the committees will tackle issues on peace, cohesion, environment and resource allocation at the grassroots.
Department of Public Administration and Information Communication Technology will be required to Chip in for proper manual operation for the Ward Development Committees, which will guide them on how to carry out their mandate.
A case study of counties that have embraced this initiative is Garissa and Nyandarua where the units help in decision making by making recommendations to the county leadership on issues affecting the people.