Home News Kitui Chief Officers Vetting Enters Homestretch

Kitui Chief Officers Vetting Enters Homestretch


By Hopkin Media Team

The vetting of individuals nominated by Governor Dr. Julius Malombe, EGH for consideration of appointment as Chief Officers to the various County Government departments today entered its second and last day.The constitutional exercise kicked off yesterday where Education, Training and Skills Development cabinet nominee Joyce Titus was vetted alongside 15 chief officer picks.

The remaining 11 of 26 chief officer nominees are set to appear before the various sectoral committees of the Kitui County Assembly for the suitability check.

CO nominees Lynn Kitwan for (Public Health & Sanitation), Pauline Kikele Mwalali (Basic Education, ECDE & Childcare Facilities), Bretta Mwangangi (Culture, Gender & Social Services), and Stephen Makau Musili (Trade, Industry, MSMEs & County EIZs) are currently being vetted.

Dr. Musyoka Benson Wambua, nominee for Medical Services, Aggrey Kinyalili Kamba (Drugs & Medical Supplies), Paul Ngei Monyi (Cooperatives & Citizen Group Economic Empowerment Initiatives), and Nason Kang’alya Kilonzo (Youth, Sports, ICT & Initiatives) are also set to face the respective vetting panels later in the day.

Others include Kennedy Munyambu Mwendwa (Polytechnics, Vocational Centres & Homecraft Centres), David Soi Masai (Environment & Forestry) and Henry Ngilu Nyamai (Energy, Minerals & Natural Resources).




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