Home News Kitui Deputy Speaker Hon Nzilu A Man Under Siege

Kitui Deputy Speaker Hon Nzilu A Man Under Siege


By Hopkin Reporter

Kitui County Assembly Deputy Speaker and Kyangwithya West MCA Christopher Nzilu is a man under siege as 42 County Assembly Members sign to remove him from the post .

The Deputy Speaker is accused of fuelling divisions in the Wiper Party and also working with a section of MCAs to sabotage his boss Kevin Kinengo With procedure requiring that a motion to remove the Deputy Speaker is supported by at least two thirds of the Assembly Members in Kitui case 40 Nzilu fate seems sealed.

In a letter from Hon Nzilu’s lawyer reads “Our client has shared with us messages exchanged with the Hon. Speaker in the recent past, which indicate that the Hon. Speaker harbours a grudge against our client. Indications are that this motion is a retaliation from the Hon. Speaker and those allied to him.

In the circumstances, and by way of this letter,our client notifies his objection to the Hon. Speaker sitting as Speaker or Chair of session, or in any other way participating in the session during the debate on this motion. His participation is ousted by the rule against bias – Nemo judex in causa sua.

Please note, particularly, that if the Honourable Speaker participates in any way in these proceedings, our client will move to the High Court to have the proceedings declared coram non judice.”

The motion was tabled today by Kanyangi MCA Hon Bonface Mukwate Katula and it will be discussed tomorrow during morning plenary sitting.

The session will be chaired by the Speaker Hon. Kevin Kinengo Katisya.



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