Home National News Kitui gains it’s glory back as infotrak Survey Ranks Dr Malombe among...

Kitui gains it’s glory back as infotrak Survey Ranks Dr Malombe among the top performers


By Emmanuel Maleve

In a report released on Tuesday, Infotrak the research firm noted that participants in the survey ranked Kitui Governor Dr Julius Malombe EGH among the best in service delivery. The survey placed Trans Nzoia and Homabay Counties topping the list.

Governor Malombe has posted an above average rating of 63% for performance .The ranking also listed the counties’ performance comparing the previous administrations and the current ones.

Kitui residents feel confident about governor Malombe who is ranked position eight, and committed to delivering the Kitui Promise to the residents.

The county Boss has improved the infrastructure, road reforms, health care services, employment of ECDE teachers, construction of sand dams, lighting town centers for 24 hour economy amongst other achievements.



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