Home News KITUI MCAs WARNED “Don’t Attend Assembly Sessions while DRUNK”

KITUI MCAs WARNED “Don’t Attend Assembly Sessions while DRUNK”


By Hopkin Reporter

A section of MCAs in the county assembly of Kitui are alleged to be attending the house while drunk.

According to our source, some of the MCAs have been attending the legislation house while drunk to cause mayhem and confusion in the floor of the house when discussing important matters.

The major role of the Members of the County Assembly in Kenya is legislation, representation, and oversight. In addition, the County Governments Act states the role of the Members of the County Assembly (MCAs) under Section 9.

They are a key component of the county governments and sustain the counties’ existence.The most important business of the Assembly takes place in the committees where the MCAs make most of the deliberations.

If any MCA fails to attend eight consecutive sittings of the County Assembly, they risk losing their seat.Both plenary and committee sessions are the avenues where the MCAs can be heard.

They can give their views on issues that affect their Ward through plenary sessions and vote on the issues. In the committee sessions, they have a direct role in enabling public engagement and legitimising the operations of the Assembly.



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