Home News Kitui Professional Chat Is Not Under Siege Lead Admin Yoana Trashed Rumors

Kitui Professional Chat Is Not Under Siege Lead Admin Yoana Trashed Rumors


By Hopkin Reporter

The County Dairy and Kitui professional chat is not under siege. Kitui professional chat famously known as “KPC WALL” is not under siege and such inisinuations should be treated as hot airand TCD blog will continue informing members of the public in a professional manner, County diary and the Lead Admin confirms.

Earlier last week the KPC wall was replicate after LA Yoana Kicked Out some of members from the viral wall that has top Kitui professional individuals.

Speaking exclusively with Hopkin Reporter outside governor’s mansion, the Lead Admin Yoana Kimwele and the Chief Editor of The County Diary (TCD) stated that “WATACHOKA SANA KPC has been in existence since 2014.

Over 200 times it has been copied, they have no idea what Kpc Means, Kpc is Us. Kpc is Me. Avai Without me, there is no Kpc wall, Thats why call me The lead admin. Now you know”.

“Copying the Kpc logo will never help you. Many tried this route na Wakachoka tu. No, you are wrong, I have changed the group logo for members to differentiate the fake Kpc Wall and the Official one. It has nothing to do with Reverend Kauta and the malicious team.People will always copy what I do to survive in Kitui, im their leader”, Yoana added.



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