Home News Kitui’s Education CECM, 15 Chief Officer Nominees Vetted by the County Assembly

Kitui’s Education CECM, 15 Chief Officer Nominees Vetted by the County Assembly


By Hopkin Media Team

Monday, January 30th, 2023_The County Assembly of Kitui has today vetted for consideration of appointment Governor Dr. Julius Malombe’s Education County Executive Committee Member (CECM) and 15 out of 26 Chief Officer (CO) nominees.

The Education, Training and Skills Development cabinet nominee Joyce Titus faced the County Assembly Committee on Appointments chaired by Speaker Kevin Kinengo Katisya while the chief officer picks were vetted by the respective sectoral committees.Among the CO picks who appeared before the various vetting panels was Kamunda John for Governor’s Service Delivery, Agnes Kawila Mulewa (Public Service & General Administration), Stephen Kitonga Salee (Decentralised Unit, SEKEB & Intergovernmental Relations), Patrick Masila Muneve (Economic Planning & Budgeting), and Finance, Revenue Management & Accounting nominee John Makau Kimwele.

Others were nominee for Tourism, Hospitality and Game Reserves Ferdinand Ndemah Kathenge, Franciscah Kanza Kyui (Performance Contracting, Disaster & Emergency Services), Nathan Kasamba Vungo (Water), Gladys Mami Wambua (Irrigation), and Nelly Kavuu Mutisya (Agriculture & Fisheries)Livestock Development and Apiculture CO nominee Jonathan Kyambi Nzau, Peter Ketonya Musya (Transport & Bodaboda Sector), Evans Mutemi Mutua (Urban Development), Michael Mutisya Kalii (Land & Housing) and Benjamin Kithee Chamia (Roads & Public Works) were also vetted.

While naming the CECM and Chief Officer nominees on different occasions late last year, Governor Malombe said their selection was based on education qualifications and leadership management exposure/experience and potential, adherence to the two-thirds gender rule, regional balance, inter- generational and diversity inclusivity.The remaining eleven (11) nominees are scheduled for vetting tomorrow.



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