Home News Kunda Kindu Toilets in a Sorry State, Cause Health Risks

Kunda Kindu Toilets in a Sorry State, Cause Health Risks


By Hopkin Reporter

If you have to answer that call of nature within the Kunda Kindu, Bus park or Kalundu, you have several options. You could pop into a hotel, café, pub, restaurant or an office.

Travellers and residents in kitui town have expressed concerns over the worsening hygienic conditions of Kunda Kindu public toilets that has remain in a dilapidated state,  with clogged or broken commodes, overflowing sewage water, and a lack of cleanliness since beginning of this year.

Because of a lack of maintenance, these toilets became filthy, eventually becoming a nuisance to users and others. Furthermore, dirty public restrooms emanate an unbearable stench to passers-by, making it difficult for people to breathe.

They have attributed the dire condition that may spark deadly diseases such as typhoid and cholera during the rainy season.


According to the overall chairman of the market Nixon Kitheka, lamented the poor state of the public toilets, unveiling they are forced to answer their call of nature near the closed toilets which poses a health risk, asking Governor Malombe and town municipality manager to intervene and save the situation before it gets out of hand, stating these festival season they will be expecting thousands of travellers and there isn’t a toilet they can ease themselves.


“Public toilets are neglected even in local government. The attitude of people is so bad that most don’t feel it is their responsibility cleanings toilets or using them properly and believe someone else should clean their mess,”Hopkin Delivers.

Speaking exclusively with Chief Officer in charge of Public health and Sanitation, Ms Lynn Kitwan, affirmed that the county will renovate the public toilets in Kalundu Kunda Kindu and bus park.

” The Issue is picked up by public health officers and the municipal manager, in the meantime cleaning will be done assurance from municipal manager’s office”, Lynn said.




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