Home News Machakos DG Mwangangi Handed Over Ministry Of Agriculture To Bishop Dr Joel...

Machakos DG Mwangangi Handed Over Ministry Of Agriculture To Bishop Dr Joel Nzomo


By Hopkin Reporter.

On Wednesday 22nd March 2023, Machakos Deputy Governor Francis Mwangangi have officially handed over county ministry of agriculture ministerial duties to agriculture CECM Bishop Dr.Joel Nzomo,who has been on compassionate leave for medical attention for his dear wife at New Delhi, India.

Speaking exclusively with Hopkin Reporter DG Mwangangi stated that “I register my deep personal appreciation and gratitude to our Governor Hon Wavinya Ndeti,the chief officers,directors,all staff and stakeholders in agriculture ministry for the support they accorded me throughout the period I served on acting capacity as agriculture CECM.

Agriculture ministry being vital in achievement of our Chakulamezani PesaMfukoni agenda,I must say we have enough capacity and infrastructure to steer agricultural production within the county and increase our food supply chains.

We will prioritize on our farmers and provide them with necessary machinations,capacity building,access to opportunities and technology to increase their production.

I wish the bishop and his team the very best and promises them our support in making agriculture work for our people”.



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