Home National News Masavi Residents receive sustained access to clean drinking water

Masavi Residents receive sustained access to clean drinking water


The lives of people in Masavi location in Nguni ward are now better as Masavi borehole solarized, following the solarization of the project, the monthly electricity cost due to pumping has gone down from 250,000 to zeroand consequently seen the cost of water drop from Sh.5 per 20-liter jerrican to Sh.3.

Speaking to Hopkin Digital, Nguni Ward MCA, Hon Jeremiah Mutua unveiled the borehole yields 21 cubic meters per hour, is serving more than 7,000 locals and over 10,000 heads of livestock.

Masavi village in Nguni ward, Mwingi Central Constituency has suffered from a perpetual water shortage over the years. People have been relying on unclean water fetched from far-flung seasonal rivers as well as from unprotected and unreliable communal water catchments, locally known as Silanga.

The MCA thanked Kitui Governor Dr Julius Malombe for his commitment to ensuring reliable access to clean and safe water for all residents.

MCA’s sentiments were echoed by the local community members and water users who have been contending with chronic water shortage for a long time. a resident of Masavi said, “I’m happy that for the first time in my life I have access to safe and clean water – it’s on my doorstep. I will never again wake up early morning each day to leave my children behind and walk for five to ten kilometers in search of water.” 




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