Home News Public Participation For County Budget Estimates for FY 2023/2024 ENDED

Public Participation For County Budget Estimates for FY 2023/2024 ENDED


By Hopkin Reporter

Public participation exercise on the proposed Kitui County Budget Estimates 2023/2024 financial year came to a close Tuesday, May 30, 2023, where members of the public turned up in Mwingi Resource Centre and Kyuso Market Shade to give their views on the proposed budget.

Led by Hon. Malinga Munyao (Zombe) and a member of the Budget and Appropriations Committee, a section of the Honourable Members met members of the public at Mwingi Resource Centre in Mwingi Town and received their views on the proposed Kitui County Budget Estimates for FY 2023/2024.

The Mwingi public hearings which drew members of the public from all wards within Mwingi Central and Mwingi West Sub Counties, gave members of the public an opportunity to give their inputs and concerns on the proposed budget.

Members of the public raised their concerns on array of issue, key among them regulation of sand harvesting which is a major boost to county revenue, increase funds for pro-poor to benefit more learners, allocate more funds for sand dams and prioritize the completion of stalled health facilities and other county projects, construction of more ECDE classroom, allocation of more funds for provision of clean water and installation of freezers in Kyuso Morgue.

Another section of Members of the County Assembly led by Hon. Mercy Muema (Nominated), conducted a similar exercise at Kyuso Market where members of the public drawn from the five wards within Mwingi North Sub County, turned up to give their submissions.

The proposed 2023/2024 FY budget estimates has a total resource envelop of Kshs. 11, 680,428,432 whereby, Kitui County will get 10, 822,198,611 as the equitable share from the National Governemnt, Kshs. 358,229,821 as grants and Kshs. 500 million as County own source revenue.

In his closing remarks, Hon. Malinga thanked members of the public for turning up for this very important exercise on Budget making process. He further assured them that the Budget and Appropriations Committee will look into their concerns and proposals raised and identity which projects to be given priority for the betterment of the livelihoods of Kitui residents.



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