By Emmanuel Maleve
Two Kitui County owned multimillion shillings corporations gives nill revenue returns.
On the spot are the Kitui County Textile Centre and the Kwa-Kilui stone crusher in which the county government put millions to set up.
Although, at one time while still in office, Malombe predecessor Charity Ngilu told the media that setting up of KICOTEC cost around Sh180 million, it is hazy how much the county spent on the stone crusher.
A contract document that former MCA for Kitui Kwavonza ward, where the Kwa-kilui ballast crushes is domiciled, John Kisangau shared with the media in the past show that the contract for acquisition and installation of the crusher was Sh85 million.
But despite million having been sunk into the two projects that were touted to be formidable, the Kitui governor Dr Julius Malombe (EGH) said that the two projects generated no income.