During the 48th Annual General Meeting, Univision Sacco reaffirmed its commitment to delivering value to its members, as thousands reaped significant benefits from the Sacco’s robust performance. Asset-based growth rose from 10.1 Billion to 11.5 Billion a clear indication of the institution’s financial stability and growth trajectory. Members were delighted to receive consistent returns, with deposits earning 12% and share capital earning 14.5% dividends, mirroring last year’s impressive performance. This stability underscores the Sacco’s ability to balance investments with returns, providing a solid foundation for future growth. The ongoing development of the Kitui headquarters plaza, proposed during the 46th AGM, is part of Univision Sacco’s long-term infrastructure strategy to support its expanding operations. As the Sacco’s asset base grew, it became evident that the current office space was insufficient to accommodate its growing needs. The proposal to construct a modern plaza was not only approved by members but also supported by a clear funding plan, where members contribute Ksh 500 monthly for two years or pay Ksh 12,000 upfront.
It is important to note that the contributions for the plaza construction are treated as shares, not consolidated funds. Members benefit directly from these shares by earning dividends, ensuring their investments remain productive. Furthermore, the construction is guided by a comprehensive Bill of Quantities (BOQ), developed through an open and transparent tendering process. As of December 2024, 23,000 members have contributed to this project, demonstrating strong support for the Sacco’s development initiatives. This same model has successfully been used in the construction of other Sacco plazas, ensuring accountability and member satisfaction.
Univision Sacco remains committed to transparency and ethical governance, with all its projects guided by clear member-approved frameworks. The institution’s impressive asset growth and consistent dividends are proof of its financial prudence and dedication to serving its members. While challenges exist, the Sacco continues to prioritize the long-term interests of its members, ensuring that every decision aligns with its vision of empowering the community through sustainable investments.