Home News USAID Collaborates With County Nutrition Action Plan (CNAP)

USAID Collaborates With County Nutrition Action Plan (CNAP)


By Hopkin Reporter

County Government of Kitui in partnership with USAID’S Advancing Nutrition have today concluded a three- day workshop at a Mutomo Hotel.

The workshop’s main aim was to review County KCNACSM Strategy, County Nutrition Action Plan (CNAP) and update the financial tracking tool and Multi Sectoral score card.

The KCNACSM (2023-2027) Strategy aims at contributing attainment of a malnutrition -free Kitui by employing multi-sectoral approaches for strengthened governance, functional nutrition systems, empowered communities and well financed nutrition institutions for social and economic development.

On the other hand, end term review of the CNAP (2019-2023) will inform the development of the second generation which will see County residents achieve accelerated social and economic growth.

The Multi sectoral Nutrition financial tracking tool (FY 2023/2024) for nutrition resource tracking was also reviewed.The just concluded workshop brought together an array of key stakeholders whose collaborative expertise and contributions play a vital role in advancing the improvement of nutrition outcomes in the County.

SoThe participating sectors included Agriculture, water, livestock, Health and Sanitation, Education, Gender and social protection and the County Treasury.



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