Dr. Vincent Munyoki, a dedicated educationist and founder of the Vincent Munyoki Foundation from Kitui West, has demonstrated his commitment to improving the lives of others by donating several wheelchairs to the communities of Kalimbevo and Kwa Mutonga.
His generous contribution will undoubtedly make a profound impact on the mobility and quality of life for those in need in these areas. Dr. Munyoki’s charitable efforts serve as an inspiring example of how individuals can make a difference in their communities through compassion and action.
According to Dr Munyoki it is disheartening that at this age, several people are still shying away from exposing their children living with disabilities, choosing to instead lock them in doors.
“There is no need for a parent of community to hide a child with disability” said Dr Munyoki adding that as God’s creation, children living with disability deserved a chance.
He also urged those with such children to seek assistance from relevant bodies who are always ready to come to the aid of people living with disability.
He urged parents of the children to apply for education funds at the National Council of PWDs for their facilitation in school.