14th January 2023 – The Roots Party, Party leader George Wajackoyah says he will move Kenya’s capital from Nairobi to Isiolo just like Tanzania and Nigeria.He was speaking during the funeral service of veteran TV broadcaster Catherine Kasavuli.During the ceremony which was staged at the Nyang’ori High School in Vihiga county , Wajackoyah stated that the capital will be closer to the Somali community as they are the most oppressed in Kenya.

He also vowed to suspend the constitution and introduce laws of the people that include alternative Dispute Resolution.He further pointed out that if elected as the 6th president, his government will legalize Cannabis, support snake farmers, export dog meat, hang the corrupt and workers to be paid salaries every two weeks.He also Unveiled that he doesn’t drink alcohol,eat meat and fish and also doesn’t smoke.

“Being the first luhya to run and run properly, Alone without luhya supporting me, I will bring that shield back home 2027”, Wajackoyah added.
George Luchiri Wajackoyah is a legal practitioner based in Nairobi, Kenya and an independent political campaigner. Wajackoyah was also a presidential candidate in Kenya’s 2022 General Election held on 9 August 2022. He was running under the Roots Party of Kenya which supports the legalisation of bhang in Kenya.

He skipped the 2022 presidential debate that was held on 26 July 2022 on grounds that the organisers refused to embrace he’s preferred format for the debate; having all the four presidential candidates debate at the same time other than dividing it into two parts; first part with the least popular candidates according to opinion polls where wajackoya was to face off with Wahiga Mwaure and the second for the top contenders Raila Odinga and William Ruto. Wajackoyah in a statement cited the format as a bias by the media houses organising the debate.